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Thread is crawling to a halt, here is something to get the conversation going
Here are some comments
>1) Myth
Myth was quite stable for the whole post 2020 algo change period
Their numbers would bounce between 8k and 9k for the whole period between May 2021 and August 2022, with some eventful periods inclining them to 10k.
It all changed mid august with a TOTAL COLLAPSE of their floor.
>2) Council
Council had a deep recline period that lasted even further than the CCVID period, up until the final weeks of February.
From that point on they entered a HUGE incline arc which went up until early September, after which they entered a huge recline slop.
Council is still the gen with the highest 60 days median with a huge advantage over the other ones
>3) Luxiem
Luxiem had a rocket like ascension up until June and they stayed stable up until Mid September, after which they had an equally steep crash and burn.
Right now they're at the same level they were in early March, and reclining
>4) Noctyx
They had a mild honeymoon period and am equally mild recline.
Nonetheless they are at a career low right now
>5) Lazulight, Obsydia, Ethyria
The OG NijiEN girl had a good incline after NijiEN onboarded the female chinese audience but that's waning now.
They're still at a good point in relation to their shaky start but it will depend on whether the boys recline will continue dragging them down
>6) iLUNA
Their rate of recline is approaching zero but they still didn't find their floor, which is getting closer and closer to three digits by the looks of it
and the punchline
>7) Tempus
Their recline is pretty much a 35 degrees downward slope with no change in rate of recline pretty much from debut.
At this rate and if nothing changes they'll be flirting with a 1.5k gen median mid January.
All in all: huge deceleration across the board and even the recent events didn't seem to break down this trend