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Superchat thanking 1/3
>Morning recording
Okayu just woke up from a huge nap. She didn't get to sleep in as late as usual, seeing as she had to do some recording in the morning. Coincidentally, so did Korosan, though Okayu doesn't mention it.
>Hololive is warm
When Okayu's live started and was in terrible quality, she was a bit panicked. She was worried they'd have to postpone it if they couldn't get it right in the next stream. During the downtime, she checked twitter and saw a bunch of her friends retweeting the new frame, and it made her really emotional.
>Strong friends
When Okayu's model froze for her original song and she became "stuck in the wall", she was glad Kanatan was able to talk to her during it. She wasn't the only one though. Apparently Senchou tried to call in too, but was met with a bad connection, similar to Korosan. Subaru and Mio also planned to call in if it looked like it couldn't be fixed. Okayu's glad she has such reassuring friends.
>Difficulties of a sololive
They really can't be done alone like a normal stream. There needs to be a person for the sound, and for the visuals, lots of staff are needed. Okayu can't really do anything where they're concerned if something goes wrong, but she felt like her free talking skills were lacking to carry her through those moments, which is why she's glad Kanatan joined her for a bit. She'd like to better her talking skills for the next time. She really didn't think the errors would happen, so she wasn't sure what to talk about at all. Since she can't do everything, she wants to be better at the things she actually can do.
She got a message from her manager later that the stream ended at 22:22 on 2/22, which she thought was pretty amazing.
>More messages
Okayu got a ton of messages over discord when she was finished. She thinks it's probably because they'd all had 3D lives of their own that they realized how panicked she had been. Lots of messages from kouhai and senpai asking if she was okay. Subaru and Mio in particular, who seemed to have been watching together, had apparently been bawling while watching her. She asked why and they said that the resolution issues in the beginning reminded them of their own experiences with issues and how badly it had shaken them, but when they saw Okayu giving it her all up on stage, it made them both start crying.
Okayu had a message from Korosan waiting on discord too. She said to call her on discord when she got home, no matter how late it was, they'd get everyone together and have a fun talk. She ended up talking with SM-OK, and everybody told her how great her live was. Subaru in particular was unusually kind to Okayu that night. When she asked her about it, she said it was only because it was her birthday today, she'd be back to normal by tomorrow(shuba shuba shuba). She really thinks hololive is nothing but good people.
Okayu got an excited call from the person in charge of selling goods. They told her she'd done well, and that a huuuuuuuge amount of goods had already been sold. Her 600k goods should be shipping out soon too, please tell her when they arrive.
>Mogu Mogu Yummy
Okayu wonders how many people suspected she'd be releasing an original song, especially with her not appearing in Bloom; it seems about half of her fans had that suspicion. She got in contact with Pinocchio-P(famous vocaloid composer) for the song creation, Ponono(fan artist, creator of the onigiryaa design) for the main illustration, and Yamashita(Pop Team Epic 8-bit animator) for the pixel animations.
>Explaining who she is
When Pinocchio-P asked what kind of image the song should portray, Okayu thought her first song should fit her personality. When he asked her what kind of person she was, Okayu admitted that she was the kind of person who stole onigiri from friends, which was really embarrassing. Pinnochio-P thought it was funny though, he's a good guy. Moreso than that, her manager went and showed him the hololive compilation clip of all of Okayu's past pranks, which was even more embarrassing. She was really happy to have him do it though' she's a big fan of his melodies and lyrics.
The line about putting mayonnaise on problems reminded Okayu of a story she told(I actually don't know which zatsudan it's from) about bringing mayonnaise with her to a job interview in high school (or something? It sounds familiar). It felt nostalgic to her. She thinks the hardest line was the "Ugya!" scream, and getting the right intonation for the song.
>Thanks for listening
She's glad everybody's listening to the song so much(As of the 2 day mark, it's at over 500k views). Kayoizuma-chan said she listened to it once and couldn't get the melody out of her head afterwards. She also seemed the most excited at the fact that she could buy the song on itunes. Okayu realizes she forgot to mention where you could buy the song, and apologizes.