>>16213688Don't just react to nothing but the compliment you delicate fucking flower.
Here's some homework for you; with the growly voice do the following
1. find an intensity in your growly voice which you can maintain effortlessly.
Mind you, not "train yourself to be better at maintaining it", EFFORTLESSLY!
People can hear when a voice is forced too much and it's almost never a pleasant experience to listen to it for more than 5 minutes.
2. With the intensity you settled for in task 1, clip yourself expressing these emotions:
a. absolutely ecstatic, you just won the lottery and your fiance is pregnant.
b. Depressed and melancholic, a LOT of self pity, whining and "boo-hoo"ing
c. bashful and awkward, You've just learned one of your few regulars is a pretty girl and she just called you her husbando in chat.
d. sarcastic and condescending, just say something with the most over-the-top sarcastic voice, anything works.
As I mentioned before, have "muppet" in mind, be a little cartoony with it.
>>16213892Full gimmicks rarely work out because truth be told people only care about a gimmick if it's attached to a personality they want to watch anyway.
If you can find the growly sweet spot I think you can have this gimmick without alienating people who don't want quite so much violence out of the voice that's coming out of their computer.