>>51269152>I'll be sad to see him stream less, but if we'll be getting something even nearly as amazing as what Ike has been putting out I'm willing to wait foreverYou've shared my sentiments exactly. He already warned us that he'd be taking more time off to focus on music, which made me sad, and still kinda does, but I know it's because he has big ambitions and I'm happy that he's trying hard to achieve his goals. I can't wait for more of Vox's lore, I know he has big plans, too, and knowing him, it'll super high quality and worth the wait!
>>51269155>I don't watch Ike as much as I'd like any more because my oshi is a full-time job on top of my actual full-time job, but seeing posts like this reminds me of how fond I am for him tooThat's fine, I understand! Gamma is a very charming boy. He reminds me of a puppy, demanding your full attention every time he streams. I'm just happy you were able to enjoy Ike at all, he's said himself that he appreciates any kind of support, whether from the past, present, or future.
Thank you both, you're too kind.