>>33132999Her pronunciation being bad is an exaggerated meme. Sure, she slurs her words or mumbles sometimes (having that tongue problem does play a role in that), but generally speaking you can understand her fairly well.
I started watching her a few months after I had seriously started studying Japanese (for N5 back then) and, combined with the general vocab and grammar I picked up from watching anime the years prior, I could understand her pretty well. That is, I understood she was clearly saying words that were easy to understand, even if I didn't have the vocab to know what all of them meant. She does use a fairly simple range of vocab, I guess, though I feel like it's just average. There's another meme with her not knowing how to read some kanji, so it may be the case that she has a limited vocabulary.
However, repeating yourself often is also part of being a streamer, many of them do this. Also, keeping the words used simple is more relaxing (or, rather, less tiring) to both the viewers and the streamer, as they don't have to think too hard to understand them. Just being a cute pon girl is enough to entertain, so there's no pressure to use more complex vocab. That could, after some years, cause degeneration of her vocab range if she doesn't practice it elsewhere, but I'm sure she'll be fine.
This is why people keep telling others to do their jap reps. If you study for like a year or so and get to N4 or an equivalent, you'll probably be able to understand like half of what's said in a stream, depending on the game. t. N4+ scrub
tl;dr: Migo segs