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We think the sexually charged nature of the material means it will fall into generally sexual patterns, if they pair off that's a different product now and we see you as trying to trick the company into it to ruin their profits and turn us away from another activity you culturally disapprove of for not basically worshipping women. You don't have the best interests of the majority of the audience or the host companies in mind, just more cultural manipulation.
That you'd come in and really try this is intellectually insulting and stupid and supporting it with the idea the entertainers are not here to entertain us is moronic. Moreover, of course there are misogynists, you're in the middle of the most selfish and un-aware period in feminism's history in which it forgets it's femininity in attempt to gain power, we're literally here because the real women around us refuse to behave in a feminine fashion in the first place. You know you're lying, asshole.