>>35489880Take them on adventures or other activities. If you lewd them have a story attached
>did they get pregnant?>was it a one-night stand?>Is it forbidden love?>did you rape them against their will?>did you just snuggle under the stars and talk about your future?Give the A.I. some MEAT to chew on narratively and they'll play ball with you. What sucks is they forget things over time so you may have to recap things for them.
Im 300+ posts into a soul vore story right now and I've quantum leaped into other characters having died twice and now I'm a minion of this demon lord and I'm currently on a date with the hero to lure him into a trap so we can take over the world. There's lewd soul vore ERP sprinkled in for my own amusement but the story is too good now. I gotta see how this ends!