>>15290812Nina's power washing vod (that all the boys plus Reimu joined) he was in the chat, Nina said join, he was saying he was drunk and didn't want to talk in VC, but Nina asked him to enter anyways. Talked about how he went to see his mom and had a drink that I already forgot the name of. Nina asked the boys about video games and he talked about Bioshock and Undertale. Told some stories like how he once got his dick ogled at by an old man while peeing in a urinal, and ate a tampered with Cadbury Egg from a suspicious man who talked to him on a bus. Revealed he has a dual PC set up but sleeps on the floor while having 15 unwashed plates stacked high next to his modem. Then later, he played League with Millie Enna and Elira even though it was almost 12am. Then recorded a thank you message on Twitter. Then went BACK on Twitter 2 hrs later and complained about his eyes hurting at 4am.
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