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I feel like many posters here get the wrong idea of what europeans are actually asking for...
They think we are expecting individual vtubers from every country, wearing EU flags left, right and center, speaking in bogus tongues like Icelandic or Estonian and every every obscure european language. When really what most are seeking is for a big corpo like Cover to throw them a bone for once and give them a few euro vtubers who they can also enjoy and take pride in. Just a few Vtubers to watch at acceptable times, so they don't have to stay awake until 1am-3am to catch a prevelent english speaking member of a big corpo to start streaming. For example, Cover's only european representative that falls under this category is Takanashi Kiara, and even she was favored because she was still living in Japan at the time of the audition. Being european was basically a non-factor.