HoloXers! Today/Tonight/This morning, we'll have our first match in PES16 and our stadium will be revealed!
>Rooster change ideas on my list so far? (Koyori? HoloXer (let him focus on Lord of the Board fights)) -> Noel (Holo Knight, Masked Hollow Knight, Hollow Knight the 6th, The 6th Holo Knight, Empress of the Secret Society, 6th Ranger, 6th Holoxer, HoloKnight X+)
>UpdatesChants have been added. Spoonfeed me with the new music for the next update. Think about the rooster. Think about what you want.
>Other good newsI think I can update a few models or give them new outfits. Koikatsu has some good stuff and we can convert it. Koyori in a swimsuit? You can have it! Iroha in a dress? Yes! Chloe in sportswear? Also possible! Let's bring more variety to the models! It's our team!
>Wikihttps://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Talk:/vt/_League_Unity_Cup#Week_2_2https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//holoX/>Kekoff Today16 July 2024 23:20 (UTC) /holoX/ vs. /vtwbg/ Final's Rematch
>Kekoff Tomorrow18 July 2024 23:20 (UTC) /holoX/ vs. /nepolabo/ HoloXBreak
18 July 2024 23:59 (UTC) /mayo/ vs. /doog/
Note: Expect delays because matches overall run longer on PES16.
Expect a /vt/ League thread soon