Sup Jailbirds, its been a minute, I saw some of you raised some concerns about me and I appreciate it but let me clear some of those concerns. No, I was not with Nerissa during her break. And I havent been posting because amongst other things, on the 29th someone close to me passed. So ive been dealing with that and reflecting on a lot of life things.
>writingWhen I first started posting daily here it was because Nerissa felt lonely in japan so in an effort to make her feel better I decided to write to her, perhaps it would make her feel less isolated; Its always nice to know that theres people thinking about you, that care for you and your wellbeing. I answer my correspondence at night so along the way it became part of my nightly routine. It actually became very enjoyable to me to write, so I didnt stop. I'd never written to anyone like that before and even though it was a one sided conversation, it was very emjoyable and relaxing to me. I stopped writing recently for the reason I stated at the top, I dont feel so hot currently, and I don't want to bring the mood down plus it looks like nerissas having a good time, I dont think shes lonely anymore.
>high noteLike I said I dont want to bring the mood down so I want to end on a high note. A lot of you people wrote some mean and cruel things about Nerissa. How would you feel if that was your sister? daughter? mother? Or wife? Very cruel words were said that I know none of you would want said to your own family. So why do you have to say it to her? You guys are not chill or mellow. So Im going to teach all of you how to be chill and mellow so that you never again feel the need to disparage someone else. Watch this video grew up in an environment just like that. Kooking out at the beach with friends. Our mentality plays a huge role in our character and in our actions, what you see in that video is a bunch of friends not taking life too seriously and just having fun. You can carry that mindset around always. I was always in board shorts growing up, that means no underwear. And that lifestyle and mindset stayed with me always, no underwear helps you chill out. When you let it hang, let everything loose, your demeanor is also going to be chill and loose. None of you grew up in my environment but if you guys want to be chill and mellow, stop wearing underwear it will help you get in the mellow mindset. So next time you wont feel the need to post cruel comments about others.
>highlightsHeres some highlights from the video you can skip around to see the mindset and lifestyle Im talking about 1:09 kooks out on top of a stranger 1:15 high five 1:23 backflip bail then spin action from the grom 1:29 party wave yeeew 1:44 party wave gone wrong (not clickbait) 1:55 more party wave 2:02 micro pitted 2:23 party wave kooking 3:09 grom party wave and ending with a claim 3:53 and 3:59 just like me frfr 6:46 grom smokes himself 7:21 grom nearly ends blair (goat skimboarder) 7:32 future me bullying my son teaching him respect 7:39 and again 8:02 all the kooking from this point on
If you stop wearing underwear you'll have this mindset and youll be perma chill and mellow.