>>94550891yeah, and? I was literally fucking right btw
HARK! Behold all you doubters and reprobates who doubted my sharkwife and said "she will graduate and leave forever, she will never return to regular streaming, she HATES you, for sure this time"
My faith has been rewarded - as I always knew it would be - and my sharkwife really has returned to streaming regularly, even in spite of her oshi leaving, her golden girlfriend leaving and her favorite kohai leaving
>"the graduation is at hand! 2 more weeks! Just you wait"FOOL
I was RIGHT to never doubt and you must eternally kneel (though you lack the dignity and grace to do so even in the face of being overwhelmingly btfo'd beneath the waves)
go ahead, urchin, screencap this one too and sing me songs about how gurover it is; I'll wait