The life and death of Lilianne Kuzu edition
統合失調症は、現実を異常に解釈してしまう深刻な精神疾患です。統合失調症は、幻覚、妄想、極端に乱れた思考や行動の組み合わせにより、日常生活に支障をきたし、障害をもたらす可能性がありますThis is a thread for schizos to vent their vtuber-induced schizophrenic energies so that it doesn't leak into other threads, for the good of the board. You may also discuss ways to better vent.
Recommended ways of venting:
>Incoherent babble>Screeching>Keyboard smashing>Wooping>Typing the name of the vtuber you hate repeatedly (copy paste not recommended)>Monkey noises>Caveman soundsGeneral Resources:
>Keyboard repair guide>First aid guide theme: