I been contemplating a new vision on how to approach streets due to all the pros complaining:
If the game is random and is all guesses, then you need to guess low risk most of the time. If this applies at so very high level it obviously applies in the lower tiers.
So I been trying something I decided to call: " small street fighter" instead going for high risk combos based on cool reads, I assume my opponent is random (which in my elo mostly is), has no logic and is a complete retard, so I stop trying to predict him and instead attempt whatever is least risky in every situation. This makes my game plan very predictable indeed but the other guy barely pays attention to what you do anyway before 1800s and much less in a first to two.
Focus on winning space, on small damage with lights, no jumping in or DI hoping for the big cash out, just chipping drive gauges and hoping he burns himself out at random.
Focusing not to win every match but a strategy to win most of the matches by playing it safe.
I now easily defeat with this anyone sub 1500 which i wasnt able to do, noobs play too risky, like basically high level plats, if you literally poke them twice while trying to approach they will jump on you even if it will kill them, they take huge risks all the time for no reason, you just need to wait
>>89832935during stress blood goes towards your muscles in a flight or fight response and it drains your brain, causing headaches and making you basically a retard.
If you really want to get better, you need to work on controlling your emotions so more blood goes to your brain. Easy advise is to do this before every round:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKrfH43srg8&t=69sswing your finger in front of you and move your eyes side to side following it, this will cause your brain to think you are moving forward (and "fighting" instead of "fleeing") which will no longer put blood on your feet.
Alternatively for a less weird alternative walk between sets so the blood returns so its place or simply rise your feet up between rounds (and your hands over your head, if you want to)
tldr: blood in limbs when scawed, raise limbs, move eyes, walk