>>90284665>>90284913NTA but I will entertain your disparaged idea for a bit, you are not even as close of a good guy as you believe you are neither. You are to begin with sitting in a place where an overly toxic culture predominates, and the mere traffic you generate and ad revenue is more helpful than any singular post fighting against the horrible nature of it's users is, even more because you are not even truly creating a sound a completely self-evident argument which in any way benefits the reader nor are you demonstrating how a change in any certain direction could be truly beneficial for anyone besides the most basic level of "evil bad! do good" which the average person doesn't even fucking recognize because that is a preconceived notion which has been obscured and which takes dozens of hours to properly learn about, you are basing yourself on a moral high ground while attacking random people who just try to have any sort of social relation with other people while striving in their lifes to attain any kind of satisfaction and success and fail to even recognize that they are working to the best of thei capacities with what they have, you are not even providing them with a possibility of dialog but rather shunning and witch hunting like a fucking idiot or directly starting a crusade of "lets isolate le dumb middle grounders because they haven't pronounced themselves over this menial thing!!".
If you ever cared about yourself or others to any true degree instead of utilizing a completely basic attitude of holier than thou with others you would bother to try and assist them, or try and properly fight back "le big evil monster" instead of going for the lowest hanging fruit which has nothing to deal with the root of evil itself, you are no more than a vapidly vain and selfish person who dwells in their own definition of what is bad and continually satisfies themselves with the knowledge that they took the path of less resistant to not deal with the utterly world-shattering differences between you and the outside world, or in this case between your action and your so called morality.
If you even care to try and properly talk about any of this, refer yourself to
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVl5kMXz1vA instead of crafting any sort of clever response to clap back with your "b-b-but they are bad! i can just shun them!" and try minimally to judge your own character and see how much of the flaws described there do, indeed, apply to you and your dissonant moral, because there is nothing to gain from discussing it with anyone besides yourself, work to do better in any way and stop being so up in your own fucking ass.