>>13967936>Well it's your fault for making it unclear if that 2088 number is supposed to be the August averageDo you even know what "LAST THIRTY DAYS MOVING AVERAGE" mean? You seem to be unqualified to talk about numbers if you can't grasp even this basic concept.
Anyway, here is something to satisfy you then: Here is Pomu all streams on Mado record.
She clearly took a tumble after her hiatus and in October and November she only had 15 streams over 2k, down from 20 in July 17 to September 30.
Here they are (sorted by CCV)
>【POMU TAKES A SHOWER】time to be un-stinky!>【SUPER MARIO 64 #03】finsh!!!!>【OUTLAST II with Finana ! #3】LETS FINISH THIS>【THE RADIO STATION 深夜放送】HELP ME @Millie Parfait>【FAIRY-OKE KARAOKE】NERVOUS AAAAaaa>【MINECRAFT WITH ENNA AND MILLIE!!!!!!!】WITH ENNA AND MILLIE!!!!!!!!!>【OUTLAST II with Finana !】YEEEEHAW>【CRAB GAME】lets get this KUUKEEKUUKEE>【OTAKU COLLECTION REVIEW】show me what you got!!>【SUPER MARIO 64】First time playing!!>【HARDCORE MINECRAFT】If I don't find diamond in 30 mins I die>【LIVESTREAM: ESCAPE FROM HOTEL IZANAMI】Scariest game of 2021!!!>【MINECRAFT】what the f*#$* happened in the world server>【MINECRAFT HARDCORE】survive>【DEVOUR】with Elira Finana and Rosemi!!