>>36806267Sometimes I enjoy the mounting number of typos and errors in my posts. For example I distinctly remember typing acid. I had a fully lucid moment regarding the choice of the word even as it related back to some other memories yet here we are creating the funny ha ha mental imagine of Lia's ass sizzling through your face.
>>36806366>>36806248I'm sorry that the individual expressions usually have no punchline. You could consider myself the punchline if that gives you some buy back for the time it took. In regards to effort posting I've been made to weaponize my pity so as allude to in the post so I can't thank you enough to listening to my sad, sad, sick, sick song.
I sure do like Lia though. Can't wait for a fully sober moment to go back over the entirety of the ASMR for some REAL schizo hours!