>>90007147In 2023 Muumi loyalists marched upon the capital and attempted to seize key Installations using the Writ of Passage to authorize their actions.
This led to a myriad of clashes across the city with several tax collectors being defenestrated trying to seize tolling booths.
At the same time, Aiko had the imperial treasurer (a loyal Muumi stooge) arrested on a formality and held under the pretext of keeping her safe while riots broke out across the city.
Cece was seemingly neutral at first but ordered the palace guards not to bar any of Aiko's forces trying to enter the Old City.
The stalemate was broken when Lumi convinced King Sakana to withdraw on a boat to the eastern holdings, which removed him from the center of power and allowed the Aiko forces install their own majordomo who rubber-stamped their demands, effectively making the Muumites exiles in their own city.