>>43869712This is how it starts, then next thing you know months have passed and nothing has changed. Every memory of your former oshi begins to fade and be slowly replaced by this new faggot who seems only capable of pissing you off. Pretty soon you're bitter and vindictive towards this fucker who looks like your oshi, but in reality acts nothing like him, and why shouldn't you be? He took your oshi away from you, after all. Now you're looking at the rest of the fanbase, and they all look fucking delusional for not being able to realize what you can easily see. So you start cataloguing things, every little moment that outs him as a sniveling little wretch who only got into this hobby to be a selfish, trend-hopping bastard. Because SOMEONE has to show the world how bad he is, and who better to do that than you?
That's how it starts.