Perfect time to ask then, what format for streaming Fes would work best for everyone? I only caught Stage 1 and part of Honeyworks myself, so I am equally looking forward to it.
>>71762349>>71762486Yes! We have had "Movie Night" every Saturday at 4 PM Eastern time for...2...3 years now? The only official non-"the host has tummy hort or forgor" hiatus we regularly take is for /vt/ League. With occasional postponements or bumps to Sunday night because of big events like HFZ, or debuts or something.
We recently changed it to 5 PM for some non-burger anons' convenience, but that was before daylight savings time. That'd mean it should be at 6 PM EDT in order to keep it at 2200 UTC / 0700 JST. It'll be mildly inconvenient for me that late in the evening, but if it works better for everyone that way then I don't mind.
>>71762649that was supposed to happen too and was actually going to be Polka - "pool's closed" - black dude in a suit, polka's head>>71762846I wasn't saying "no" to koyolabo, just pointing it out...don't go