>>75650757Mio and the academy in general need more of a reason to put stock in Sora in my opinion. Be it because recruits are hard to come by, some latent talent of Sora's, or maybe they are just building her to be a meat shield at the end of the day. There needs to be SOMETHING as to why government resources are being spent to feed and house this street urchin. You might be onto something with how Mio herself admitted to not being able to write at first, but it's quickly becoming apparent to me that the exam doesn't actually carry weight. Maybe there is a quota / affirmative action for lack of a better term.
Even if Sora doesn't know the true reason, there needs to be something.
For Mio herself, a lot of her softness comes from her tones and facial expressions, which in this situation as it is, wouldn't really call for her to bring out that comforting nature of hers. She is also a woman who cares about the physical well being of those around her, so she could be do something like man the mess hall once a week, since she enjoy the cooking and making sure everyone is well fed.