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I'm devastated by Nyana's change in character, tell me to take my meds and touch grass I know.
But I really liked the character the way it was originally described and was glad to find a girl that seemed comfortable with all sorts of lewd sex jokes and whoring herself.
Toning down the kayfabe a little is normal and I fully expected it to happen specially considering how thick she was playing it at first.
But I at least expected some of the original character to be in there, sort of how Minna actually likes baking and Sena actually likes crafting stuff.
But it turns out Nyana has nothing in common with the character and it was just a parody and now she seems to have no intent on playing it anymore, not even a bit for flavour or to remain in brand.
She's just ditching it entirely.
She can do whatever she wants, this is still just a for fun shitposting project and not to be taken seriously and I'd rather have a boring girl playing Nyana even if she doesn't fit the character than no girl at all or worse some male.
But it hurts man. I thought we had struck gold with her.
Nyana if you see this, I don't hate you and I wish you the best.
But I'm sorry you turned out this way.