It's that time you've all been waiting and anticipating! Here you have the absolutely fantastic group of ladies containing head Afro Painter Hunter Ina, her trusty companion Sana, The Glow in the Dark Ganguro Space Hunter Sana, The "Goddamn I'm so beautiful I'm going to make out with myself" Monster Beater Kronii and The cool and cute rough and tough lesbian Hunter Bae. MHRise was JUST released on the PC today and you guys can see the graphical difference right before your very eyes. Oh my GAWRSH I hope you guys are ready for a brand new Monster Hunter ARC!
Ina POV: POV: POV: POV: to give lots of praise to Fauna for treating her Saplings to a wonderful oil massage and ear cleaning ASMR. The saplings of /hlgg/ are calm, serene, content, nothing is going on in their world except being pampered by their oshi. It's pleasant and they're having the time of their life right now. You can join in to if you want to experience what they are. at how happy and cute Roboco is right now playing with her flying dinosaurs in Ark. Her base of operations is looking really damn swanky and she has not just one but two bird like dinosaurs in her coral. It's just you know so swell to see Holos enjoying themselves playing video games.'s all sweated out and soaked right now as she sits in her chair in order to read through supachats she received today. She says that she's been really busy nowadays so she won't be able to do as much morning streams as usual but she's definitely going to be doing at least one RFA stream a week, just to stay fit and also will try Morning Minecraft streams. She also has her very first vocal training session coming up and she's so happy about it and thanks all of you for giving her the money to have this opportunity. It's precious.