/lig/gers live right now -
Lily (Welcome to the Game 2)
>twitch.tv/shylilySnuffy (Sleeping - Subathon)
>twitch.tv/snuffyBuff (SMITE)
>twitch.tv/buffpupGiri (Cooking w/ Geega)
>twitch.tv/onigirienSqu (VRC)
>twitch.tv/squchanYocci (Art)
>twitch.tv/yocleshGamma (The Cycle: Frontier)
>twitch.tv/gammainkkBunny (Hollow Knight)
>twitch.tv/bunny_gifPesto (Art)
>twitch.tv/yuniihoMari (Sleeping - Subathon)
>twitch.tv/marimari_enJhinxx (VRC)
>twitch.tv/jhinxx_Olivia (Mario Bros 3)
>twitch.tv/oliviamonroeEarl (Valorant)
>twitch.tv/unraelityYenkoes (Art)
>twitch.tv/yenkoesAlfhilde (JC)
>twitch.tv/alfhildeInis (Karaoke)
>twitch.tv/inisleinMarina (Food & Drink)
>twitch.tv/marinaNo /lig+/ live
I made three America Day covers expecting us to go through more threads than we did so just pretend its still the 4th.
Today is shaping up nicely, we have a Frog and Vienna collab soonish and then much later in the night on Coqui's channel there'll be the sonic cake cooking challenge. Speaking of Coqui, if you missed it yesterday I recommend the vod of her 4th of July stream and then the VRC collab w/ Meat, Tob and Millie afterwards.
Stay beautiful /lig/