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Sora talked about a food for a bit today
>Sora: Did you see in the clip that I said I gained weight? Yeah, that's the one where I talked about how my weight changes in the summer and winter.
>Sora: I lose weight in the summer and gain in the winter. Overall, it doesn't always increase or decrease.
>Sora: Am I a seal?
>Sora: In summer it is about 46 kg. In winter, there is a difference of about 2 kg. In summer, it's hot and I lose my appetite, so I can lose 3 kg or even 5 kg, depending on the year.
>Sora: The year I lost 5 kg... I had mycoplasma pneumonia... I was hospitalized, so I don't know if you can call that losing weight...
>Sora: Hospital food is delicious! I know.
>Sora: At the time I had a fever of 40 degrees for a week. I could see the River Sanzu(River Styx)
>Sora: At the first hospital I went to, they gave me a shot of antipyretic and told me I could go home now. It was weird!
>Sora: It took me two or three months to fully recover.
>Sora: That's what happens when you go to the hospital late at night
>Sora: I thought maybe I was done when the next hospital told me I needed a brain scan. Why did you need a brain scan?
>Sora: Yes, because you can get encephalitis at the same time.
>Sora: And the food I had in the hospital after I was healed was so delicious! How can you eat such good food in the hospital? It was ramen! It was delicious!
>Sora: I ate ramen and udon at the hospital! It was very delicious! It was onions sauce ramen, as I recall. I learned that hospital food is very tasty!
>Sora: Maybe it tasted even better because I hadn't eaten anything for over a week.
>Sora: I lost weight then and have maintained 46 kg ever since. In school they told me I should gain more weight.
>Sora: It's hard to get fat.
>Sora: In my home we eat dinner at five o'clock or later, and after that we don't eat anything.
>Sora: I don't eat breakfast.
>Sora: For lunch, I eat a rice ball or an instant noodle. For dinner, I eat a normal amount of food.
>Sora: Well, I was too busy during the day today to have lunch.
>Sora: Is it any wonder I've been able to maintain my weight? You mean you're about to gain weight?
>Sora: You mean I would lose weight? Well, I'm somehow maintaining my weight.
>Sora: This eating habit is not for you. You know that, right?
>Sora: Well, sometimes we have regular meals. When I go out to eat with holomem, I eat quite a bit.
>Sora: When I go out to eat with holomem we always feel like we're eating meat...