>>73351531The actual answer is that save for a few girls like big joe, kilara, cockos ballz, vegan, moron and fwmc the EN branch of holo has become basically 'lazy girl jobs- the company'. This means the culture of being a lazy cunt will inevitably dominate, made worse by the inability to find collab partners because IRyS has decided her throathorts and she won't stream for 2 weeks or some shit or mumei comes on stream and says "fuck y'all I'm not going to stream for 2 months because I don't feel like it" or gura just actively not streaming with no explanation. I dislike amelia because she feels like she always thought she was the biggest SVFFERING person in the world and those people are always tiresome to deal with, but I think part of the reason she threw up her hands and stopped giving a fuck is because her creatividad is always met with indifference by the majority of the EN girls who just want to sleep and do some lazy ass movie watching stream to farm superchats and memberships and then go back to sleeping or whatever they do.
When your company culture rewards being a lazy fuck you get lazy fucks. It's why Mint and Doki can stream just fine- they aren't lazy fucks. But even the hardest workers get worn down by lazy fucks not doing shit.