Mori's Eikaiwa stream was pretty well received, prompted some interesting discussion on other girls as well.
>森さんの英会話教室って仄かに性的満足を感じてしまうのなぜ?Why does Mori-san's Eikaiwa class make me feel sexually satisfied?
>カリオペってこんな感じなんだ なんか面白い姉ちゃんだなSo this is what Calliope is like? She comes across like a funny Onee-chan.
>森さんの英会話ええわ めっちゃゆっくり喋ってくれてるからわかりやすいMori-san's Eikaiwa is really good, she speaks slowly so it's easy to understand.
>偶々聴いてたらペンギンがキュートでhellとか聴こえてきて「やっぱりバイオレンスじゃないか」と思ったけどhellに強調の意味があるからとてもかわいいってなるんやな。本当に勉強になったわ。I saw the penguins in the stream and she said the penguins were cute, then she said 'hell' so I thought "oh, maybe they're violent after all?". But now I know that 'hell' is used to add emphasis, so that meant they were very cute. I learned a lot.
>森さん、サメちゃん、IRySの英語は聞き取れる。 キアラ、イナ、アメはどうしても聞き取れない。 話すスピードや訛り、滑舌が違うとここまで分からなくなるか…I can understand Mori-san's, Same-chan's and IRyS' English, but I can't understand a single thing Kiara, Ina or Ame say. I don't know if it's just because of how quickly they talk, their accent or their articulation that makes them so difficult to understand though...
>レイネの英語も聞き取りやすいし単語も簡単なやつ選んで喋ってくれてるのでヒアリングにおすすめReine's English is also easy to understand and she uses simple words, I recommend her for listening practice.
>>IDの英語は全体的にわかりやすい気がするね 特にアーニャ、レイネの二人は発音も非常にキレイだから聞き取りやすいThe ID's English seems easier to understand as a general rule. Especially Anya and Reine, they both use simple to understand language and have beautiful pronunciation.
>カリちゃんはALT(外国語指導助手)やってたから教えるのはうまいと思うよ JPに英語を教える配信を定期的にやってほしいなCalli-chan was an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher), so it's no wonder she's good at teaching. I'd love to see her teach English to the JP girls on a regular basis.
>カリちゃんは「ホロオルタの曲を私が歌ってるって気づかなかった人も多いみたい。普段は警察官みたいな声でしゃべってるからね」って言ってたのがバチクソかわいかったWhen Calli-chan said "A lot of people didn't seem to realize that I was the one who sang the Hololive Alternative song, I guess it's since I usually sound like a policewoman?" it was really fucking cute.
>ラッパーだからか物凄く滑舌が良くて聞き取りやすい上に日本人の英語レベルをよくわかってるからわかりやすい英語で話してくれるんだよね1番初心者向けだと思う. ENだとサメちゃんも聞き取りやすいかな?アーニャとかキアラは日本語も併用してくれるからわかりやすいし徐々にステップアップしてアメリアのちょい汚い英語にチャレンジして上級者になったらミコ・サクラで難易度高めのリスニングに挑戦すると良いかなI'm not sure if it's because she's a rapper and has a naturally glib tongue and smooth intonation, or if it's because she has experience with the average level of English knowledge a Japanese person has, but she speaks English in a way that's very easy to understand. When it comes to EN, is Same-chan easy to understand as well? Anya and Kiara use Japanese so they're easy, and maybe once I gain enough experience I can step up to challenge the slightly dirty-mouthed Amelia's English, or maybe even challenge greater heights and someday understand Miko Sakura.
>これほんと簡単な英語ばっか選んでゆっくり話してくれてたから英語分かった気になれたわ. これなら他のENの子の配信を見ても分かるんじゃね?って思ってみこちの配信見たら8割くらい理解できて驚いた. この英会話教室すげーぞThis was seriously a great way to make me feel as if I genuinely understood English, since she spoke so slowly and used simple language. I even thought to myself that maybe now I can understand the streams of the other EN girls? So I tuned into Mikochi's stream and actually understood 80% of what she was saying! That Eikaiwa lesson was amazing!