>>77054754>squanders it.Go fuck yourself man, so sick of this bullshit, she squanders nothing, she's on the forefront of the majority of cover events, and it's not because of "Shillox" because otherwise Koyo and Eroha would be there with her, they're not because they don't have, like you said
>The model, the voiceAnd the moves.
She wants to be different, there's nothing wrong on trying to expand to new streaming platforms or playing different games, you know, I know and every oldfag know what this is about
homo collabs she's marked, unicorns have power but they weren't able to make her bend the knee, she doubled-down and that infuriates them to no end.
She's bad.
She will always be bad.
There's no redemption in the eyes of a unicorn, so you can stop pretending you care.