Aki + Robocco song premiered 21 minutes ago on AKi's channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP-caiSnm2Q>under 10k views1) She is 100% undoubtedly restricted somehow on YT. Her videos most definitely don't appear on anyone's recommendations, her channel must not come up on searches and such YT shenanigans for that number to remain that low
2) Both Aki herself and Roboco NEED TO DO THEIR PROMOTION REPS
Roboco posted today on reddit on that wifi meme (
https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/oa3w0a/roboco_wifi_is_strong/) after some 9 months of inactivity there.
Marine is there every day posting about every little single thing she will do, be it collabs, songs, lives even if she doesn't master the language.
How hard is for Aki, a Reddit babbie saved from the dead bottom of the subs count, to drop by and say
>MOSHI MOSHI ANON KUN>NEW COVER SONG ON MY CHANNEL PREMIERES TODAY>WATCH IT KUDASAI, CHU!That's mind blowing, the girls work in a company that gives them all the leeway they need to succeed or fail based on their own efforts and merits and some don't take advantage