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Writing is on the wall. I very quickly saw through her and despite her being like a veritable fucking siren's call trying to dash me against the rocks I avoided her and didn't get invested.
It IS going to happen. I mean, I already have reason enough to not become a fan of her or fall for her bait. But soon she will give a very present and very clear reason. Going to be Kronii 2.0 or whatever the fuck you want to call it... Actually, probably worse. You see, Kronii just is the type of person she is. Amelia is the type of person she is. "Don't you have female friends?" "Improve yourself." etc. That's just detached/uncaring/lack of awareness style, cold cunt type of shit. The danger of Shiori is that she's actually on some level legitimately going to get off on and get some excitement what she inevitably does to these hapless gachis and unicorns who fell for her tricks.
Believe me I get it she seems like such a perfectly sweet and quirky and autistic and SWEET girl, the more I learned about her the more drawn in the sappy emotional side of me was even as everything in my logical brain is telling me danger. I resisted, ultimately. Even now she's a temptress.
But mark my words: She's a fucking venus fly trap and you're a witless fly already caught if you're still invested, or swearing it won't happen. For your own sake, I selflessly warn you because I knew it would destroy me if I hadn't kept my wits, and I know it WILL destroy you... HIT THE FUCKING EJECT BUTTON, NOVELLITE. Change coarse now and you may yet avoid the rocks she's luring you to wit her Siren Song.