Coffee and chill? More like No Coffee and sleep. Bae is probably sleeping in a haphazard way, belly exposed and legs doing fuck all while god knows where her hands are because she's overslept! Missing her own stream by over 20 minutes! Outstanding. Bae doko? the very least, we still have Ina being extremely adorable and talking about Smeargles even though this is not the Gen they're in. She also finally got her hands on a Poffin Machine so now she can make those foods for supreme Pokemon Contest victories. Also Kit Kat doesn't love Ina as much as she thinks that's an oof. less than 40 minutes, WAMY is going to spend her time getting all of the Yukimin of the world to feed her power because it's time for some good ole fashioned
Slither.Io!>Songs releasedNew AZKi cover just dropped. It's a really fun song too with AZKi hyping everyone up at the start for some high paced cute singing! If you need a boost of joy and energy in your life, give this song a stream or two!