>>14776878One day, I discovered you within the screen (Yamada). Petite form, large horns, chuuni outfit. The Lap-chan who aimed to be "THE Kusogaki" of VTubers, with a larger-than-life character and difficult lore... I felt it: "aah, she really loves VTubers. She wants so badly to stand on that shining stage as a VTuber." And I was moved by how hard she worked to become what she wants to be. Honestly, I've never come to like this type of girl before, so there's times when I wonder, how did I come to like her? But this isn't like, hate, or love. Without ulterior motives, I sincerely wish to support this VTuber from planet Laplaton known as Lap-chan, Laplus Yamadarknesss-sama, as close to her side as I can. I want to make her a Top VTuber, wholeheartedly. With that in mind, Laplus Yamadarknesss-sama is my one and only favourite. That's why she is not my wife, this is not love. To me, Laplus Yamadarknesss-sama is forever my favourite VTuber. That is an unwavering truth, I definitely won't try to touch her, and I don't look at her with perverted eyes. This relationship is only over the internet, so I'll keep it light... But to her, I want to be her number one fan- Aah! I know, I'm being annoying! But I, as a Plusmate, want to treasure Laplus Yamadarknesss-sama.
Lap, I love ya'.