Invocation of Apocalyptic Evil Edition
A slow Saturday demands a slow thread. Though streams did happen today there wasn't anything particularly noteworthy that happened during them. Vei spent yet another extraordinarily long stream grinding Nia away in FF14. Mel passed the time watching Dark Souls and otter videos. Froot has proven she's full-on addicted to Apex by sneaking in yet another stream with Zen. And while all of this is going on Silver has been undoubtedly seething at her power company for making her lose an entire day of a precious 3-day beta in Ashes of Creation.
Though today's been a little slow Sundays are traditionally our slowest day of the week. Things are looking pretty barren among the girls that actually put out schedules so we'll be mostly dependent on unannounced streams for the most part. Thankfully that leaves half of them so we could be in for an interesting day tomorrow. Even if, sadly, there's no drunk collab planned like the past two weeks.
Still, slow days are just the perfect opportunities to catch up on interesting things that happened during the week you may have missed yourself. There's been a ton happening throughout this week so enjoy your quiet time to catch up and do your best to keep the thread comfy by ignoring bait, and being excellent to one another.
VShojo team page: thread: