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Coco's month-long Graduation was a literal State Funeral. Treated as the greatest tragedy ever, massive events and collabs, endless tributes and artwork memorials, everyone making letters, speeches and eulogies on how she was the best thing to ever happen in their lives, everyone crying their fucking eyes out. The graduation of Coco was treated as literally and unironically treated as if she had a terminal disease, as if she was going to die- Kiryu Coco, the dragon we've formed so much experiences and memories with, is GONE, deceased. Heck this is where the "Martyr" and "Jesus" memes came from- she sacrificed herself to rid Hololive of the Zhangs.
Only to find out you can just wait one year and join another company. A notorious whorehouse, nonetheless.
Face it, graduations are meaningless. Don't cry for them. As an ex-Tatsu I cried last year, I cried last month again, and now I can't believe I cried for a fucking whore, I feel so retarded. Sana's will be the same.