Hey buddies, you still alive? Because if you are, then just know that we're still watching Ame's fun as hell Anniversary stream after living through her debut watchalong and witnessing the cracks of her strength show all across. She's now being totally sweet, answering all the questions multiple people have sent her and she's revealing a lot of good information including how she feels about imposter syndrome and wants to be just like us...and also fish tanks.
While Roboco has not stopped being cute since the start of her breakfast stream and will not stop being cute after the stream is over. The extra BREAD she ate for breakfast today must have been a real big mood booster.
While in less than 30 minutes, the kino festivities don't end because now we're going to be cheering on our favorite shark as her Anniversary stream is up next!
While in less than 30 minutes, Lamy defeated the Normal playthrough of Undertale yesterday and she fell in love with the story so now she's immediately hopping into the Pacifist route. She doesn't know if she'll take on Genocide, it might break her fragile heart. She's also not good at video games.
Did you know Tokomachi released a new cover song today? They sang Crazy:B's Honeycomb Summer and the fantastic duo just blew our expectations out of the water. If you haven't given it a listen to yet, you should seriously hurry up and do so, you're missing out big time.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWv2KjaFqBASo friends, where we at?