(On my phone, ignore any scuff)
So it’s been 24 hours since the offcollab and what I can gather out of this is that they overperformed by quite a bit. We luckily have one off-collab on JP’s side that happened this week and also lasted an hour to at least compare to it:
https://youtu.be/vp1GCIHWqwIBefore anyone says anything, Ui and Choco have super strong VODs for collabs so anything about being less popular can be ignored entirely. Anyways, we can list some things off:
>Council offcollab is slightly shorter>Choco offcollab is ~3 1/2 days older>Choco offcollab had both a higher average and a higher peak CCV>Council offcollab had delays and ended up being completely unable to follow through with its intended stream choiceWith all of that said however, we can see that Council offcollab has already passed it in views and will absolutely climb futher than it. You can argue that this was their first pushed offcollab and that’s fair, but it’s easy to argue that there’s far more eyes on a hyped up collab in JP times than a delayed guerilla stream.
What’s important though is the traction it’s gotten and the desire for similar content. And we can see that even if council acts as “the supporting cast” to EN, they’re picking up a lot of eyes for themselves. Unfortunately this came at the cost of them straight up missing days of streaming for what’s looking like one single scuffed attempt, but hopefully with the introduction to offcollabs they’ll be more comfortable in the long run not making the same mistakes in their steps.