>>16203723Absolutely not. I'm a complete degenerate. The anime avatar allows me to suspend both my disbelief and my subtle resentment for women borne of growing up in a dystopic Marxist-Feminist imperial police state slash shopping mall slash amusement park. If 3DPD wasn't an issue, I'd already have been watching Alinity shove her ass towards the screen and yeet her cat into a wall. I don't even watch or have any interest in professional asian 3DPD idols.
If I were to make a guess, I'd say these feelings are a consequence of fully westernized societies hyper-gatekeeping women by having law enforcement, courts and politicians heavily weigh in favor of #BelieveAllWomen while illegalizing prostitution to such a degree (not applicable in all countries, mind you, but definitely America) that the incels and wizards of today literally have no good, easily accessible (sexual) experiences with real women that would otherwise form the basis of a positive opinion.
As a point of fact, the mythical Chad doesn't like women because women are necessarily personable towards all people in general. He likes women because women are attracted to and thus and behave preferebtially towards him, while providing him with easy access to sex. Being able to exploit wealth, status, looks and freedom to get laid is what makes a man like 3DPD women, and putting obstacles in place to "protect the wimminz and chillunz" only serves to sow the seeds of societal discontent (and a demographic collapse).
Like it or not, chubas have to deal with the fact that euphoric high minded fedora tippers from before any of us anons were born long ago decided that women are for academics and careers rather than sex and families, and the perceptions born of that social programme among the losers in that equation aren't something that can easily be changed.
ON THE OTHER HAND, I'm not the lowest common denominator, so going the kson route could actually be more lucrative than streaming with an AVATAR. Especially with no rent seekers involved. But whether I'd watch it and whether it would be profitable are two entirely different questions, one of which kson already answered and is thus a relatively moot point.
I'm actually a complete hypocrite and watch Matuli's roommate, but that's because I have yellow fever, she uses tons of makeup and filters to look better than she does in real life, and her content is sweet GFE for the weary soul that I can put on in the background while shitposting. Variety streamers like Lulu are a harder sell because they're competing as entertainment and don't masterfully exploit a psychological weakness.