>>16583254>go to japan>travel illegally without a visa>learn absolutely zero Japanese>swagger around gook cities with your massive 6'4 European frame, dwarfing all yellow skins>speak to everyone in English, power through conversation as they gibber in their dying language>stride through crowds of northern chinks, mogging all Japanese "males" and making all of their ugly women uncomfortable/horny>Japanese police force cannot arrest you, their officers are all manlets with paper bones and atrophied muscle from a diet consisting entirely of onions and fish penis>never pay for anything, the japs are far too lethargic to chase you anyway>take up multiple seats in their trains, all gooks give you a wide berth, too scared of masculinity>sleep on the streets, more spacious and comfortable than gook bugpodsimagine wanting to be """"""""""""""""""""""Japanese""""""""""""""""""""""""