>>26741320Since Rosebutas, and I assume most species, wouldn't know at first if a Risuner can fertilize a Roli... The Risuner would be expected to handle the proper rituals to have the child be born. Rosebutas would guide him though, of course. If he denies this, he will be shunned and permanently restricted from entering Rosebuta society. Another Rosebuta will have to take his place.
After they realize there was no seed, it will be a long and sorrowful mourning for the Roli. But the Risuner won't be seen as the one at fault, since no one could have known. Afterwards it will be generally assumed that Risuners can't fertilize a Rosebuta and Risuners will be banned from having sex with Rolis, because at that point it goes directly against what Rolis were born for. They don't fuck for pleasure, although they try to make the most of it for that one singular time that they do have sex. They fuck to reproduce and then die. To have sex and not die is enough to mentally destroy the fragile mind of a Roli.