>>32544397I don't think you did anything wrong, rosebud. It's just anons being ESL/autistic as per usual.
>>32544525I think that's fair, but it would still be a missed opportunity. Spec bio doesn't have to be weird wacky alien creatures, it can also be animals that are near identical to IRL counterparts, with just a bit of flavor to help make our world feel like its own thing. Take Asoiaf. There is speculative biology in it, and I don't mean the dragons. Things like the lizard-lions (which are just long-legged crocodiles) or the unicorns (which are just hairy rhinoceros). It can be grounded, but also interesting and adds flavor to the world! And a nice chance to work with other anons on something! Like, what your favorite animal? Wouldn't it be interesting to have it have a little remix in our world? Like zebras with a different pattern. It doesn't need to be a huge change, just a little tweak to make it more unique.
>>32544771Yubianon actually read the chuubanite entry, holy based.
It all checks out!