>>58196614I haven't posted in this thread yet, and I don't give a fuck about any of the other shit slinging that's happening in this thread. It's the constant strawman arguments that are annoying me.
>You're mad both when Gura streams and when she doesn't!>Advent overlapped each other!and now
>You must hate chumbuds!>So you're saying Gura's a leech?Even then I'm content enough to just watch Gura seethe thread #801 die and wait for the nigger antis, who think that hating an internet anime girl is their full-time job, to post another braindead thread for idiots. My real problem is when some fucking retard digs through Gura's past streams to find a time that she streamed more, finds out that she streamed a decent amount over the course of 31 days 10 months prior, then takes a screenshot and tries to act like they have any relevant proof for their argument. Stop trying to pretend you have a case beyond your fanatical conjecture.
And before anyone tries to pull another fucking strawman with "You're saying that 20 streams is only a 'decent amount'?" I'll just go ahead and tell you that 20 streams over the course of 31 days amounts to .645 streams per day. 11 streams over the course of 18 days amounts to .611 streams per day.
If you want to enjoy Gura's streams, then fine, I don't care. If you want to hate her, go right ahead. If you want to love or hate Advent or anything else, I'm not going to say a word. But if you're going to post bullshit as proof after spending hours making fallacious arguments, then don't act surprised when someone calls you out on it.