Did you see?! It's time for a goddamn change /hlgg/! IRyS has been pushing for this to teaser to happen for AGES and now she's finally done the announcement of an announcement! We can now get insanely hype over what it is this extra pon hope induced Nephilim has in store for us! What do you think it could be /hlgg/? Hmm? Any guesses? It's gotta be something big right, I don't think any of you will be ready for it when the time comes, no matter how hard you prepare! Hey, don't leave the stream just yet though! IRyS just blessed our ears with one hell of a last song that made her emotional because of all the support you gave her for this whole year and hopes that you'll continue staying with her for more years to come. GO IRyS GO!!!!!
https://youtu.be/Xq9JWIf9zOYTemma, Roberu and Fuma are still just dogging on every opponent that manages to show up in their lobby, easily nabbing that First, Second and Third spot without even breaking a sweat. These three are like the Kings of Mario Kart and there is nobody around that could dethrone them. Not even you Anon sitting in the middle right row of the stadium.