If it makes you feel any better one of my glowie friends sniped their info and somehow convinced them half the info is real when its wrong, i wont specifically say which parts but over 2/3r'ds of the doxx they are convinced is real is actually nonsense
Just take a look at this manually entered jannie block reason
he claims i have no real life when he sits on /trash/ all day erping men because his fucking wife left him (i can prove this i have screencaps showcasing this jannie faggots history) and then says anyone but him has no life
this same jannie sits down doxxin g vtubers and abusing their powers and thinks he has a life because he gets "sex" (vrchat erp) from men in /vrlg/ /trash/ this janitor is pathetic
he shits up threads himself, doesnt delete his own off topic garbage, tries to astro turf, and posts full on doxx info this janitor is fucked up
>>43900060i am literally a + if you want me to blog post a bit ive specifically been hanging around connor + charlies crew and his outlier fags for a long ass time now, not just that i sometimes hang out with vsj girls themselves on occassion when theyre around its not a big fucking deal but the fact ur being a little bitch about it pisses me off im not bragging im telling you the abusive janitor how it fucking is so you stop being a cringelord with ur janitorial duties
u do it for fucking free
https://youtu.be/LmiZhv4Uk-ohttps://youtu.be/LmiZhv4Uk-ohttps://youtu.be/LmiZhv4Uk-oWaifu jam + proof is all that is needed im glad this exists so i dont have to show you fucking ANYTHING else i hate your guts for doxxing vtubers 4chna jannie fucker u do it for FREE
https://youtu.be/NbnVn5vmA2I?t=415here's joe rogan and jordan peterson talking about 4chan janitors
you see what you wrote into that little ban request field, you do it for free little shit? (YOU) have no life, take your own fucking advice and touch some grass you fat ass
you arent police
you are a mall cop
you are worse than mall cop
you are fatter
you have less training
and you erp men in vrchat on /vrlg/ //trash/ you are a does it for free loser janitor and we all make fun of your pathetic lard ass
you arent wanted jannie