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I really love cat(?)'s. in My opinion, they are the peak of kemonomImi desigN. there are a LOt of good kemono options, to be fair. dogs, bats, sloths, bunnies; all VEry good choices. but cat(?)s are unparalleled. Whether IT is tHeir excellent design, their chArming personality or Cozy vibes; i think you would have to Agree, There is no true parallel. "but what is the difference between a cat and a cat(?)," i hear you QUESTION. it is siMple. while A cat beaRs many positive qualities, it also has some negatives. nomal cats require certain foods; fish, beef, chicKen. THis may not bE to Your liking. cat(?)s eat A much simpleR stock, and can subsist off of just brEad, vinegar, and ketchup. a norMal cat can also be temperamental, and rebuke YOur advances. cat(?)S are always 100% cozy and straigHt chIlling, therefore they are always accepting of headPats. UnfoRtunately, I might be dragging On too Long at this point, so i will lEaVe you with this: there are Far tOo many catgiRls out thEre. you would not be able to become a fan of all of them, eVEn if you tRied. but there is only one cat(?), so you can become a huge cat(?) fan even in a short amount of time.