>>23126156I don't particularity love it, I use it because it justs werks™. Simplest usage is: youtube-dl <URL>, which will download it to your current directory. But really, you should take the 15min or so it takes to learn CLI basics, maybe via some Youtube tutorial for your platform (I guess Windows).. You don't need much know-how to use youtube-dl, maybe just the absolute basics:
- how to open a command-line console
- what the current directory is and how to change it
- how command-line options like --help usually work.
- how to install exes to your default search path, so you don't have to type to full path all the time
I usually just type "youtube-dl <URL>" to download a single video or a whole list. When I want to make extra sure that I get the exact encoding version I want (the best) I sometime query the available options with the -F option first and the select the appropriate format with -f. That's already all there is to it for me.