Quoted By:
>Cozy nightshift
>Watching my brother play Kerbal Space Program over Discord
>He's just landed on Jool's moon "Pol" yes it's actually called that
>Bill Kerman plants a modded Kekistan flag, titles it "Shadilay"
>After a minute of jumping around like 70ft in the air due to low gravity, Bill pulls out a frozen banana and smashes it with a hammer
>+300 science
>I jokingly say "erm ackshually, for a proper basedentific research experiment you need to have a thesis statement in the form of a negative statement to be DISproven, with p values of less than 0.05, after going through the peer-review process in a reputable academic journal like the Bogdanoff twins did, errrrm, ERRRRM"
>My brother replies by incisively refuting the "disprove a negative thesis statement" fad in science as quote "midwit shit"
>"Take '2 is the only even prime number', for example. That's equivalent to saying 'all even numbers except 2 are NOT prime numbers'. Is that a positive or a negative statement?"
>We share a laugh over bugmen Redditors saying dumb shit and participating in fads they don't actually understand to look smart to their fellow 110-IQ midwits
I love my brother, chumbies.
And now I want Gura to stream Kerbal Space Program.