>A key theme of the Traveler (Hololive) and his Light (Blue Dorito) is that being given a Ghost and being reborn in the Light wipes your memory of your past life away, and it is treated as a form of salvation in and of itself, because by wiping away your past, it allows you the chance to choose in freedom, and make your own futureThis has been used to key effect twice now:
>Uldren Sov, a man who was corrupted by Homobeggar Prime and Evil Dragon pretending to be his Sister who he's totally not incestuously linked up with into turning evil/Homobeggar, is killed in Foresaken and eventually chosen by the Light and reborn as The Crow, someone who ends up being a major force for good and looks back on his past after finding out about it with sadness and a desire to redeem himself for those past mistakes>Savathuun, the Witch Queen, known Evil practitioner of the Sword Logic (a concept where the only things that have a right to exist are the things that survive under the simplest, purest shape, essentially), who in a big twist during her expansion, voluntarily lets herself die a Final Death in the shadow of the Traveler, and is then, through sheer grace of the Traveler, given a Ghost and reborn in the Light. Although she uses a complex plan to retain her memories via manipulations and has her own agenda which is neither in support of CGDCT or Homobegging, she ultimately chooses to side with CGDCT during The Final Shape out of an understanding that it is inherently evil and once tried to enslave her and her kind to a false desire. Her granting the Light to her Hive Brood also has resulted in notable changes to Hive themselves, since the Lucent Brood, after being freed of the burden of the Homobegging Worms which demanded that they Beg or be devoured, has become more open to freedom of choice. This is currently manifesting in a Hive named Luzaku, who notably chose to ally herself to your Guardian of her own free will, and even earned the respect of Savathuun for choosing her own path in life as a resultThe point being that Light, via CGDCT mentality, gives those who follow it the freedom to choose a life worth living, whereas Homobeggar Prime, aka The Witness, promises false freedoms and uses these manipulations to subjugate it's followers into a single, unending path.
It's actually a notable thing where people will describe the Last City as "A Walled Garden, ringed with Spears" which is extremely similar to the Walled Garden theory of HoloEN, again, could go into WAY more detail about this if given the time