They're looking like heels
>>27814998>>27815471Ok, if you're gonna pixel art for a Fightan I implore you, I fucking beg of you to use heavy reference. Most of the gorgeous fightans people gosh about are basically rotoscoped to death. Yeah the spriting is fantastic, but do not, for the love of god, try to make spritework for a fightan character from the groundup. I've tried, it's hell on earth and not worth it.
>Well but I don't want to film myself!Ok, then use base 3d models
>But KOF XIII rotoscoped 3d models and it took like a bajillion years to make each character!SNK had a great result, but they were incredibly ineffective in how they approached it. You should NOT try to make something perfect, and if possible use a good toon shader for a ready made base. Hell, you could use the arcsys shader to get a good idea of how you're gonna shade/color shit>Blendlet is too much work for me, I can't learn to make characters!Simply search for base already rigged models and slap the Arcsys Shader on top of them to get a good toon base and work from there
>But the shader won't look as good as ArcSys makes it look, should I invest time in making the 3d model look better?Well, it's a base model, you shouldn't be expending much time customizing it if it's gonna end up being slightly adjusted over in aseprite or something, don't sweat it
>Why are you so autistic about this?I tried to make vibeo gaim for some time and realized many of this things, don't go expecting hand animation being easy or time efficient, even for just a mod