So yeah, everything in total.
>AnthemHamtaro Tottoko Uta
>Basic goal hornIkenai Borderline
>Chocomint goalhornMinto-chan is going to eat Chocomint no matter what
>Ghostbusters and Freaky Ghost Maid goal hornRPJ - Ghostbusters
I originally intended Freaky Ghost Maid to have the basic goal horn and this was just some miscommunication with Beebs. However, I enjoyed how he handled this and think we should keep it. His change was great.>Frogbert goal hornFrogbert - California Girls
>MGS goal hornSnake Eater HQ
>MGS goal horn if it already played twiceSnake Eater "duet"
>Nondescript Elf goal hornPomu Rainpuff - Break Stuff
>Victory anthemMint - Bustin
>MGS MVPSins Of The Father
>Nondescript Elf MVPPomu Rainpuff and Mint duet - Break Stuff
>>85275332>>85274757>>85273756So yeah it's Minto time but to close this, what do you and what do other Wisps think? This is what I want to go for now with your ideas.