>>54798608Don't feel bad at all that. I don't want anyone to feel pressured to read the stuff I put out there. Like with writing, you read what feels good to and what strikes you at the time, and most importantly at your own pace. If/When you do get around to it, I hope you enjoy it! The super Nene is a great bean and I'm really happy with her include in my own story and looking forward to giving her more time to shine.
>SpoilerHe is pretty observant to the people and things around him. First off, he would probably entertain quick thoughts about how the other Anon is possibly an actual relative of his, and then try to initiate a conversation immediately, but after he saw a near identical Nene, he might start getting confused and little a paranoid.
>Did Koyori somehow fucking clone me from the jar of blood she stole from me? Did she get some Nene's too? I would like to say he would be able to pick up on how the corrupted Nene lacks a certain spark that he sees in his own, and how that Nene is sticking to her anon like he was her handler would concern him somewhat.
Would he stop a fight? Probably not at first. HJNene is just as fightarded as HJAnon is, so if the two Nene's wanted to test their strength against MY OWN CLONE, he would be cool with it. The second corrupted Nene starts going for clear kill blows without relent, he would start getting nervous.